Lamenters Land Raider WIP

Lamenters Land Raider, Terminators and Ruclusiarch 
Lamenters Land Raider, Terminators and Ruclusiarch 
Lamenters Land Raider, Terminators and Ruclusiarch 
A few pictures of the Land Raider I’m working on and the guys who ride inside.  I’ve been enjoying jumping back and forth between my two armies and working on terrain, it keeps me from burning out on painting particular color.  Really happy with how the Land Raider is coming, just need to do some touch ups and do the black-lining.  Most everything is magnetized so it can be run as a Crusader or Redeemer.  
I am also building another LR that I got for my birthday as well.  I imagine a list where I run two of them, one with TH/SS Terminators and the other full of Death Company.  Shove that down the middle and it should pretty much take care of anything.  Also armor 14 seems like it could be a little more survivable in this edition, but we will see.