Category: Undead Legions

Undead Legions vs Skaven End Times Game

I got to play my Undead Legions army against Skaven this afternoon in and End Times game. We played with the new magic rules from Khaine and it really changed the feel of the game. It added a lot of time to get through the spells, but was also a lot of fun. I don’t see using them every game, but they offered a fun variant. I managed to summon about 1000 points of models and then he would remove them in his magic phase, but it was cool to drop a Terrorgheist in the middle of the table to threaten his army. I had a blast and can’t wait to get the army repaired and start painting it up a bit better.



First model of the new year


It’s been quiet here for a while as due to some health problems I’ve been unable to paint. Late last year I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and started treatment. It’s made hobby time scarce and my hands shake a lot now making painting hard. I did finally manage to build this Terrorgheist and I absolutely love it. One of my favorite models that GW has ever produced.