Tag: batrep

Batrep: Eldar vs Tyranids

Played my game with Michael today.  We played at a newer game store near his house Gameshire.  It’s got some real nice tables and is well lit and clean.  Seems like a friendly place to play.  We ended up rolling mission 5, Elrdad’s Will and Hammer and Anvil deployment.  He took first turn and hid most of his army.  He was playing his  Tyranids and didn’t have the tools to really take care of all of my skimmers.  He really struggled to do much of anything the first few turns of the game, as he was scared to run his little bugs out into my fire lanes.  I managed to kill off a lot of his stuff by the end, leaving only a couple Genestealers, a single Hormogaunt and a couple Hive Guard at the end of turn 5.  He did bring down two of my Wave Serpents, the Nightspinner, the Rangers, a squad of Dire Avengers and all but one Wraithguard (who would have died had we opted to continue on).

The stand out units of the game were definitely the Wave Serpents.  Loading them out with Scatter Lasers and Shuriken Cannon is just disgusting the amount of firepower they put out.  I managed to roll two 6’s for finding out how many shots the Serpent Shield would have and just managed to tear units apart, I think it’s probably the best transport in the game with how survivable, fast, and damaging it is.  It’s kind of sad that it vastly overshoots the Falcon and doesn’t take up a slot being a dedicated transport.  The jetbikes were also awesome, but only because they were able to turbo boost across the table and take his objective.  I liked the Dire Avengers over the Guardians as I found that extra 6″ and the 4+ armor save really helped to keep them alive.  The Wraithguard with D-Sythes were also very nasty, instant killing a Mawloc, though they were brought down by Genestealers, but required a multi-assault were one unit was all but wiped out on over-watch so the second could get into close combat.

It was fun to play, but I did feel a little bad for the Tyranids, as they are really showing their age/bad codex writing.  It doesn’t help that Michael doesn’t like Tervigon’s which seem to be the real useful unit in codex.


Game: Eldar vs Tyranids

Michael and I played a game this afternoon. 1850 points and he ran his Tyranids while I did my Eldar with a small ally contingent of Tau. We ended up rolling Purge the Alien with diagonal deployment, which was probably the worst scenario for Michael’s Tyranids. My list had a lot of shooting while his had pretty much none. The Farseers also gave him some serious problems with psychic powers.

The main issue with my list was that it’s kind of boring to play. Cast a bunch of psychic powers and then unload shots on enemy. I’m going to have to modify a bit to get some movement back in.

The highlight unit for me was the Harlequins with Eldrad attached. They finished off two squads of Genestealers, a Tervigon and a bunch of Hormogaunts. They can cause some serious hurt with the right psychic powers and 40 rending attack on the charge is really scary for most people. I will have to eventually pick up the actual models, which scares me a little as they look like they will be really hard to paint.

Eldar Deployment
Eldar castled up with Tyranids accross
Tyranid deployment
Eldar base
Fire warriors (proxied guardians) line up for firing.
Hive Tyrant eating Fire Warriors

Lamenters versus Tyranids

Michael and I played an 1850 point game today that was a lot of fun.  We played the Relic Mission and Dawn of War deployment.   Michael had first turn and hid everything behind ruins (which with his Warlod trait gave him 3+ saves) and infiltrated the genestealers.  I put my Land Raider center and flanked it with predators with all my marines hiding behind.

First turn we had a bit of wait and see as neither of us wanted to be stuck in the center giving the other player easy charge lanes.  We both moved up a little and positioned.  I did kill a couple hormaguants with the Vindicator, but FNP genestealers from pyschic powers and also 5+ invuls prevented too much damage on the first turn.

Second turn both mawlocs deepstruck, destroyed the Vindicator and killed a couple marines.  His Tyrant dropped down to try and bust the land raider.  He did pen, but only managed to shake it.  My turn I unload everything in the mawlocs behind my line and manage with the charge to kill both.  I also brought the Tyrant down to 1 wound and charged the hormagaunts that were approaching the relic with the death company.   50 re-roll to hit and wound attacks later they were gone.  I also flamed and assaulted the genestealers on my flank Though FNP saved them big time.  In the end we both killed about half our units there.

My warlord had possession of the Relic (thanks to his Warlord trait making him Scoring, but the unit had a Trygon on one side and 12 Genestealers on the other.  The 10 death company were wiped out, but the Reclusiarch in a challenge with the Brood lord stayed up thanks to his invul save.  They were finished off by the Trygon but managed to thin a couple out on their way.

The rest of the game was a big scrum in the middle.  I still had a few shooting vehicles with nothing interesting to shoot, and I poored all my infantry into the middle to try and keep his troops from picking up the relic.  In the end all my troops were wiped out, he had 3 genestealers left on  a flank, too far away to get the relic, but giving him linebreaker.  We both killed each others warlords, but he had first blood.  So the Tyranids won 3-2.  The game was a blast and really close.  We each had fun moments and it was a particularly bloody match.  One of the best games we’ve played together and we both had a lot of fun.

10x Death Company
1x Land Raider Crusader
10x Assault Marines (PF, Plasma guns)
10x Assault Marines (PS, Flamers)
5x Sanguinary Guard with banner
1x Priest with Jump Pack
1x Vindicator
1x Predator w/ HB
1x Baal Predator w/ Flamestorm
3x Bikes with plasma guns

Hive Tyrant w/ Wings and Lash Whip
12x Genestealers Broodlord and Toxin Sacs
12x Genestealers Broodlord and Toxin Sacs
20x Hormagaunts w/ Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands
3x Hive Guard
1x Zoanthrope
1x Zoanthrope
1x Mawloc
1x Mawloc
1x Trygon Prime

Battle of Epsilon Corvi

Battle of Epsilon Corvi – Mission 2.

Initial board setup
Initial board setup
Lamenters Deployment
Lamenters Deployment
Tyranids Deployment
Additional Deployment
Flying Hive Tyrant moving forward first turn
Assault Squad getting assaulted after flaming Genestealers
Lamenters advancing forward
Mephiston taking on last Zoanthrope and two Genestealers
Mission: The Scouring (6 random objectives, fast attack scoring)

Deployment: Vanguard Strike (Diagonal)
Points: 1750 (kind of)

Lamenters list is here.

The Tyranid list is below.  Sadly there was a mistake on the expected points value, and the Tyranids were only 1500 points.  This definitely skewed the game in my favor.

Hive Tyrand (wings)

8 Genestealers (toxin sacs)
1 Broodlord

8 Genestealers  (toxin sacs)
1 Broodlord

24 Hormaguants (adrenal glands, toxin sacs)

12 Gargoyles (adrenal glands, toxin sacs)

1 Harpy

2 Zoanthropes
2 Zoanthropes

Trygon Prime

Tyranids had first turn and they slowly advanced up the middle.  Nervous about the flamers in the front of my army, they tried to stay back a little, but not far enough, as the flamers were able to move in and wipe out one of the units of Genestealers.  A couple marines got killed by the force dome psychic power as there shots  bounced back.

The next turn the Gargoyles, Hormaguants and Trygon wiped out the two squads.  The free overwatch hits with the flamer managed to thin out the Gargoyles pretty well, but didn’t do much to the larger creatures.  The other unit of Genestealers assaulted an assault marine squad in cover, and with the lack of grenades, were fairly ineffective.  The Vanguard Vets came in and assaulted a unit of Zoanthropes and killed one, while Mephiston made a huge 10″ charge and killed the Trygon, Mephiston with Iron Arm and Warp Speed made him super nasty in combat.

Third turn the Hormaguants charged into Mephiston and managed to bring him down to one wound but the Sanguinary Guard joined in and wiped the unit out.  The flyrant charged into the vanguard veterans and killed two, but the return attacks finished off the big bug.  The genestealers lost combat and ran, though they managed to get into cover.

Fourth turn was mostly re-positioning and the movement toward objectives.  While a few smaller combats finished up.  Going into the last turn the Tyranids were down to the Harpy, one Zoanthropes, and a couple Genestealers.  Mephiston was stuck in combat with the Zoanthrope and genestealers, and an assault squad managed to ground the Harpy and the TH/SS Terminators pounced on it out of the Land Raider.  The game ended on turn 5 with a great victory to the Lamenters.  They of course had a huge upper hand since they were playing with 250 more points!  Always check lists before you start a game.

The game was a blast, and we have two more missions in our mini-campaign.  Learned a bunch of stuff about 6th edition and the army, and I’m really enjoying the new mechanics and play-style.  We played with mysterious objectives this game, and they really didn’t have any impact on the game.  Even the sabotaged one never blew up the entire game.  We never remembered challenges, and I keep forgetting to throw grenades, something I’ve been wanting to try and always forget!  Can’t wait for another game.